Our Vision

His Kingdom Come, His Will Be Done:

Capital City Church exists to spread God’s Kingdom on earth and in St. Paul. We exist to share the beautiful story of the itinerant craftsman-Rabbi who turned the world upside down. His name is Jesus of Nazareth.

We believe every Christ follower is called to reach the vulnerable and marginalized. Today, this includes the oppressed, the trafficked, the immigrant, refugee, asylum seeker, the orphan, and the poor.


We Believe in Community:

We live in an era of unprecedented loneliness. This is not how God made us to live.

We believe God made us for community, for gathering together. We believe in the healing and balm of real friendship as we pray for one another, celebrate together, and bear one another’s burdens.


We Believe in the Mission of God:

We believe in sharing the good news of the Savior both here and abroad, through missions and church planting. We plan to plant churches that plant more churches.

We would love to have you join us on mission at Capital City Church!